Friday, August 31, 2007

Fresh Meat

Being at school early, I have been able to watch people move in. This weekend, freshmen arrive for the first weekend of their college experience. It's kinda fun to watch them and speculate about what is going on in their minds at this point in time, thinking back to what I thought during those first days at school as a freshman. Those poor kids, I remember it being a time where I was so self-conscious and nervous about meeting strangers and being forced into friendships with other kids just as ackward as I was. Austin and I walked through a hoard of them getting ready for dessert at a professor's house, and we commented on how they could be meeting their future spouses- crazy! Austin and I met the very first weekend at school.

Switching gears... I am quite proud of myself for this morning I installed a new CD-ROM drive into my computer...

All By Myself.

I know, old school CD-ROM drive in my hunky-chunk of a desktop-- for which I am very thankful. But you may be saying, "C'mon Elise, welcome yourself into the 21st century." Hey it does the job, and has for 3 years, I hope it lasts another year, at least.

Those freshmen get to look forward to great accomplishments of life on their own, such as my leap into tech-saviness... as an independent adult woman (well kinda independent).

1 comment:

Aubrey said...

wow - installing scary hardware all by yourself. I'm impressed.