Monday, June 25, 2007

Whirlwind Weekends

Traveling is the name of the game this summer. Thankfully, it hasn't been long trips yet, but they are to come. This coming weekend, I am travling to Indianapolis for a dear friend's wedding, and I hope to go visit my Grammy in Florida sometime in July. However, my past week and a half (two weekends fit in there somewhere) have been spent traveling to family functions. Two Saturdays ago, I went to Charlotte for my cousin's wedding, stopping at Austin's house to pick him up. It was a beautiful weekend for celebrating my cousin and here new husband. After a lovely wedding and Sunday picnic, I went to Austin's for Monday night as I was warned by my considerate host family to stay away from there home as long as possible as they were battling a stomach bug. I came home from Austin's on Tuesday to work 7 am to 7 pm Wednesday, do laundry, pack that night, work Thursday 7-7 again, and leave from the hospital to go to Austin's for their family reunion. I thought I had avoided the bug until Friday afternoon, in the sun I sat, on the water in a boat, feeling seasick. I do not have a history of seasickness, but I was wary to try tubing... Anyway, this is no sob-story. I rested enough to feel well enough to eat on Saturday night, thankfully, because it was homemade icecream night. I enjoyed a bowl of peach, strawberry, and banana (a small scoop of each if you were wondering.) Yum Yum. I enjoyed my weekend of family reunion-ing or would that be reuniting? Well, I know that I am marrying into a special family. It was so neat to see how each of them loved the Lord and that Austin's Great Grandmother's prayers have been heard and are still being answered with a heritage of Christ lovers.
I have not had the chance to upload pictures from my summer yet, as I forgot my camera cord at home home... but instead imagine wonderful smells from the South in the early morning and evening, the smell of wet pine needles. I love that smell. It wakes me up in the early morning as I head to work.

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