Saturday, January 12, 2008


My mom and sister would be proud. Last night, Austin and I went to Kokomo for a date, looking for some dress pants for him. We started at one end of the strip and worked our way back and forth, from Old Navy to Kohls... in the end, we found a pair of dress khakis for him. At Old Navy, I purchased a couple things. The reason my mother would be proud is because I bought something that fit me, and my sister would be proud because I found some bargains. I bought a printed thermal shirt for $4, and a cream colored sweater/sweatshirt for $8. It was time for some new clothes, and yes momma, the shoulders fit! Hooray!

1 comment:

MJUnderwood said...

Great job sister!!! I wish I could see these fabulous bargains...maybe you should take some pictures when you wear the printed thermal so we, in Ohio, can see. Be looking in your mailbox soon.