Thursday, January 17, 2008

one little weakling

Yesterday in my Concepts of Health and Wellness class, we measured our muscle strength and endurance. I felt like I was in elementary school again, being forced to try to get President's Fitness Stamp of Approval, or whatever it was called. I never made it because I couldn't do a chin-up. Well, my muscles haven't changed much, because after bench pressing, spine crunching (or leg-pressing, however you refer to it), sitting up, pushing up, I have discovered that my muscles are registered in the low muscle strength category. At least I scored average while doing sit ups and push ups. Boy am I feeling it today. I even woke up periodically during the night to turn over and inwardly moaned with pain as I moved my shoulders. I am one little weakling. I better buff up before I have to lift any more patients!

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