Sunday, November 18, 2007


It has become cold, once and for all winter, I am guessing. The other day I was trying to remember what it was like to walk around without sleeves (you know, what they call summer clothes... tank tops, shorts, swim suits.) This coming week, Austin and I are going to Iowa to visit his family. We are trying to decide how much colder it will be there than here in Indiana.
In other news, there are only 3 weeks, give or take, left to this semester at school. I am so excited. One more day of clinicals on the Peds floor, and then I move on up to Critical Care nursing. It should be quite a ride. I think I have decided that I really like Med-Surg, because you get to see such a variety of disorders and do a great number of different treatments, and then you know about a whole lot. I think Critical Care will be kinda like that. We'll see.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Well, is saying 37/17 for the Thanksgiving High/Low in I.C. Aren't you glad you're coming here?

Oh, and for the record, we're YOUR family too now, missy :)

Can't wait to see you! Let us know your ETA when you have one.