Monday, March 10, 2008

Florida... Success

We made it to Florida and back safely, with many memories made in the middle. I truly enjoyed the company, we giggled, asked each other silly questions, pictured opposites of everything, putzed around retirement villages (plural), attended a senior women's fashion show, cruised on a pontoon boat with our dear Amy, engaged in amateur photo shoots of our own, sang off key on purpose, visited with my Floridian Family, watched almost the entire first season of LOST... spooky, sneaked into the pool and hot tub after it was closed, sniffed the orange-scented air, laid on the beach in the rain, gathered freckles on our noses, whooped each other in Phase 10, sang Happy Birthday to Isabel, ending our trip stopping in SC to meet up with Austin and the guys.... the list goes on.

So you may sample some of our fun...

1 comment:

Melanie said...

beautiful! ... and how nice to be WARM!